Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Beans

I bought these scrumptious looking heirloom beans today at the Tamales by the Bay event at Fort Mason. My friend Adrian and I walked down there from my house and got lost on the way over, and discovered an incredible community garden, one of the biggest I've seen in San Francisco.

Like a little girl, I wanted to sneak inside the high wooden fence and look at the perennials, pick the vegetables and herbs that people in the neighborhood planted. Everything looked so alive and vibrant in the bright spring sunshine.

One word about Adrian. He's been an incredibly good friend since I've gotten to know him last year. In fact, his opinions are starting to carry more weight with me whether the subject is about food, relationships or whatever else. I really hope he and his girlfriend work out their long-distance relationship because I know he is trying really hard to make it all work. I feel bad sometimes because I know he gets really upset about the situation. I guess as a friend, all I can do is just lend an ear.

Anyway, we found the tamales event and there were all of these different types of sweet and savory tamales. Some were good and others, not so much. However, I dropped some dough for a very well prepared mole sauce and then these beautiful beans. I think I'll make them with some pork shoulder into a type of gourmet chili or even do a vegetarian chili with porcini or crimini mushrooms.

The sun was shining, and the wind blew to the east as we hiked back up the hill to our respective neighborhoods. This was a very well-spent Sunday, indeed.

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