Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Moroccan Feast

I've been on a Moroccan kick lately.

I think it was the visit to Cafe Zitouna that really did me in, having bastilla for the first time and then having to describe it in a review, which really started my juices for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean spices and food. There's something about the mix of all of that region's herbs, meat, grains and what little vegetables they have growing under harsh circumstances that makes me yearn to learn more about gypsy and desert lifestyles/cuisines.

Tonight, I made sugar snap peas with fresh mint and then a turmeric potato stew, both from the encyclopedia of vegetarian food by Madhur Jaffrey. Coincidentally, Madiha's mom Yasmin is very good friends with Jaffrey, and has attended some dinner parties and such in India and the UK.

Clearly, Jaffrey knows her Indian, but pulls on friends' knowledge of Native American, Chinese, Middle Eastern, European and a host of other regions to build her collection of vegetarian recipes. The tome is actually quite well put together.

Anyway, I didn't take any photos tonight because although the dishes turned out quite tasty, unfortunately, they're not so photogenic. Somewhat like me. Har har har.

1 comment:

Ima said...

Food from that part of the world could almost turn me veggie. The spices and textures are so satisfying.